Thursday, March 4, 2010


I was pretty busy with school today. When I'm under pressure, though- I often do something completely random. Like make cupcakes. Then take photos of them.

I had a City Of God marathon today. I sat down and read about angels and demons and how the demons are different than the angels and how the angels are entirely different from God, etc. It's a wonderful book. But I wanted to fall asleep due to the fact that I've been staying up way too late every night.

I tried listening to various kinds of music while I studied, but in the end it was Vivaldi that jerked me out of my coma. Did you know that it's Vivaldi's birthday today?
Tomorrow I'm attending my very first school auction. Actually, my very first auction ever. My choir is singing at this event. I have to show up in my choir dress. Since the church where the auction is held at is approximately .5 miles from my house, I debated riding my bike down there. But then someone might look out their window and see me riding down the street in a long black dress. I might be mistaken for a missionary. What kind of missionary I don't know.

I think I'm just going in the car.

That's a safer idea.

I'm going to end this post because

a) I want to
b) I am tired of watching the morons on televangelism networks try to extort money from elderly ladies.

And lastly, because all the cupcakes are gone.


Jessica said...

This could just possibly be the greatest thing you have ever posted on this blog. Yay cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

this is the best blog post i have seen in like month. :D i so loved the last part about "the morons on televangelism networks try to extort money from elderly ladies." that cracked me up! and of course its so true!
