Monday, February 22, 2010

The Birthday Recap

My sixteenth birthday was Sunday. Saturday morning I had a classical singing evaluation, and that evening my parents took me out to dinner for an early birthday celebration. We ate a ridiculous amount of garlic and came home to discover that my sister and brothers had filled the house will balloons and hung streamers while we were gone.
Sunday morning my family went to church. During the potluck afterwards, my friends Ellie and Autumn gave me a rather odd present:

Dish soap and hand sanitizer! They were horrified when I accidentally squirted some into my mouth.
At this point you might come to the conclusion that my friends are very strange and that I am even crazier. So I will explain.
Our church is "divided" over dish soap. I am infamous for wholeheartedly embracing it- others treat it like a harmful substance. So you will now agree with me that this really was an amazing gift;) ( came with chocolate. Which is edible!) Thank you girls! Now I just have to think of a good gag gift for you....I still have time!

My dear parents gave me Aperture for my birthday. Yay! I love all things Apple. Maybe I'll post a review on it sometime...

The pretty flowers Jessica gave me. And I even remembered to put them in water!

Sunday afternoon I drove my parents down to campus so we could take some pictures in front of some fun old brick buildings. (Yes, that's right- I drove!)

I did alright until I went down a street lined with fraternity houses and almost hit a car with my side mirror. We found a parking spot, and went over to the park area near the art museum to take pictures. (I'm saving those photos for another post.) While getting back in the car, I correctly identified a rather large theta emblazoned on a building situated close to where we parked. I don't know Greek, but after being introduced to trigonometry, I can now randomly exclaim "IT'S A THETA!" while driving around university neighborhoods. That sounds like a really lame thing to get excited about it....but thetas are exciting.

My mom and I watched the Olympics later that evening. I've really enjoyed watching the figure skating and ice dancing competitions this week. If you know me well, you'll remember that I am NOT a sports fan. But for some reason I love the Olympic games. Although I can only handle so much bobsledding....


Anonymous said...

*breaks out into singing* "Haaaaaaaaappy birthday to you! Haaaappy birth-a-day to you! a-Haaaaapy birth-a-day dear-a Natalie-aaaaaaaaa... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU!!!!!"


Loverly photos (of course)!


Samantha said...

Happy birthday, sounds like you had an amazing one :)